Career and Family
General information about the topic of "working and studying with child/children" is available here.
Further information about counselling and support offers concerning the compatibility of family and career:
- Studying with a child / familial obligation
- Family service of the Studentenwerk Gießen
- Studentenwerk Gießen (Studying with child)
- Combining Career and Family, GCSC
- Dual Career Service
- Child and Studies
Childcare options at JLU:
- Childcare during semester breaks: Justus Kinderuniversität
- KiTa Schlangenzahl
- Villa Wunderland: company daycare centre at the University hospital
- Eltern helfen Eltern e.V.
- Childcare for Visiting Scholars
There is also a recurring assortment of courses on the topic of compatibility of family and career.
The following link leads to the website of the university HR department, where you can find additional information on the compatibility of family and career as well as a link to the brochure "Elterngeld, ElterngeldPlus und Elternzeit - Das Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz" (Parental Allowance, Parental Allowance Plus, and Parental Leave - The Federal Parental Allowance and Leave Act) by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth:
Further information on the topic Career and Family can be found here.
General information is available on the website family friendly university by the women and equal opportunities correspondent at JLU.