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Lisa-Marlene Soose



Lisa-Marlene Soose

Project collaborator

Professorship for Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare & 3R Center
Clinical Center for Veterinary Medicine
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen





Short CV

Lisa-Marlene Soose studied veterinary medicine at Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen from 2014 to 2021. From 2021 to 2022, she completed a rotating internship at the Equine Clinic at JLU Giessen and has been employed as an assistant veterinarian at the Equine Clinic, Internal Medicine since 2022. Her doctoral thesis deals with the anticoagulant effect of low molecular weight heparins in equine patients and aims to determine the coagulation inhibition of low molecular weight heparins by measuring the inhibitory activity on factor Xa in sick equids. Prior to her studies, she successfully completed her training as a DIPO equine physiotherapist and started further training as an equine dental practitioner during her studies.

Ms Soose has been working as a project assistant at the Chair of Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare since 2023.  The project ‘Interdisciplinary Project Seminar: Animal Welfare for Teaching and Veterinary Students’ is a collaboration with the Chair of Educational Science with a focus on learning impairment.



  • „Stress, Schmerz oder Angst? Belastungssituationen erkennen, einordnen und Wohlbefinden fördern“, 29. Gießener Hufbeschlagstagung 2024


  • K. Ameli, F. F. Braun, L.-M. Soose, M. Timberlake, S. Krämer (2024). Veterinärmedizin trifft Lehramt: Interdisziplinäre Lehrkooperationen im Kontext des Tierschutzes. In: DVG-Sonderheft "Neue Wege in der veterinärmedizinischen Didaktik"