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Teaching Centre

Teaching Centre

Welcome to the Teaching Centre

Didactic knowledge and teaching experience are not only an important prerequisite for an academic career but also form valuable key competences for a variety of professional and occupational fields. The Teaching Centre provides doctoral students and postdocs at the GCSC and GGK with sound training and further education in higher education didactics in the cultural sciences and humanities and supports them with their initial experience in higher education didactics.


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About Us

Didaktische Kenntnisse und Lehrerfahrung sind nicht nur eine wichtige Voraussetzung für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere, sondern bilden wertvolle Schlüsselkompetenzen für eine Vielzahl von Berufs- und Tätigkeitsfeldern.


Teaching Experience

Co-teaching and workshop guidance offer doctoral students the opportunity to gain their first teaching experience. One way of reflecting on these experiences is our Teaching Portfolio.


Teaching Ideas

Here you will find seminar ideas and concepts that have been developed and tested by GCSC/GGK doctoral students and postdocs at JLU.


Courses and Events

Here you will find comprehensive and up-to-date information on our curriculum, which consists of various modules with harmonised content.


Links & Tips

Take advantage of our link collection, in which we present relevant websites and central contact points at JLU.


