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Students, staff, as well as certain guests and partners, will receive an ID in the form of a chip card at Justus Liebig University Giessen, which has multiple functions.

Here's how you can obtain your JLU chip card


For your time at Justus Liebig University Giessen, we will issue you a (JLU) chip card. We distinguish between the following card types:

Student ID

For students and enrolled doctoral students

Staff ID card (JLU chip card for staff)

For active state civil servants, as well as salaried employees and trainees with a state contract, in short: anyone with the LandesTicket for Hessen (= individuals with a JLU employee number)

Personalized JLU chip card

For interns, student and research assistants, teaching staff, senior instructors, JLU scholarship holders in FB11, and retired professors (individuals with a JLU employee number).

Non-personalized JLU chip card

For scholarship holders in Faculties 01-10 and in the research centers, doctoral candidates (not enrolled and without an employment contract), habilitation candidates, as well as individuals who have a service contract with JLU and require access to rooms and/or parking lots. This includes, for example, employees of maintenance companies, consulting firms, or suppliers.


The functions of your JLU chip card



The JLU chip card opens doors and gates.

With the JLU chip card, you can use the electronic locking system of Justus Liebig University Giessen. In certain buildings, you can open and close doors with it. You can also use the lockers and gated parking areas. The access rights must be applied for separately.

Photo: / AS

The JLU chip card fills you up.

In the dining halls and cafeterias of the Student Services Giessen, you can pay without cash using the JLU chip card. When you pay with this card, the corresponding discount is automatically deducted. All relevant information can be found on the pages of the Student Services Giessen.

Photo: / #1069

The JLU chip card creates knowledge.

With the JLU chip card, you can access the services of the library system of Justus Liebig University Giessen and, for example, borrow books. All relevant information can be found on the pages of the university library.

Photo: JLU / Franz E. Möller

The JLU chip card prints, copies, and scans.

With the JLU chip card, you can use the public copiers for printing, copying, and scanning at Justus Liebig University. The costs can be settled in different ways.

Students can find all relevant information on the company Hees's website.

Staff can find all relevant information on Department D's website.

Photo: / #77646

The JLU chip card regulates working hours.

In the areas of Justus Liebig University that participate in flextime, you can use the flextime system with the JLU chip card. All relevant background information can be found on Department B's website.

Photo: / Vibeke Johansson

The JLU chip card provides security.

As a holder of the JLU chip card, you can officially identify yourself as a student or employee of Justus Liebig University Giessen if necessary.

Photo: / #117

Student ID card - Additional functions and information



The student ID card saves money.

On presentation, the student ID card can be used to obtain student discounts (e.g. on leisure activities). In some cases, however, a current certificate of enrollment is required.

Photo: / #1308



Student ID - Always have your student number with you.

During your studies, you will often be asked for your student number. With your student ID, you always have it with you! Your student number is the last seven digits of the ID card's number.

Photo: / Ulf Wittrock

The student ID card keeps you clean.

With the student ID card, you can use the washing machines in the student dormitories that Student Services Giessen operates. All relevant information can be found on the Student Services Giessen website.

Photo: / StockThings

The student ID card takes you places.

Until the end of the summer semester 2024, you can use with the student ID card all means of transportation included in RMV and NVV within the area of validity without a surcharge. From the winter semester onwards, the digital-only Deutschlandticket will apply. All relevant information can be found on the AStA website

Photo: / badahos