The SPA Report provides a systematic overview on the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems and offers science-based policy making recommendations to conserve the Amazon, while advancing sustainable development pathways for the region.
Boletin del DAAD dedicado a los Derechos Humanos. Se da visibilidad a algunos proyectos que cuentan con apoyo y financiación del DAAD y Alemania, como es el caso de CAPAZ.
Online-Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Aktionskampagne „Verhaftet und Verschwunden“ der Koalition gegen das Gewaltsame Verschwindenlassen. Evento en línea como parte de la campaña “Arrestados y Desaparecidos” de la Coalición contra las Desapariciones Forzadas (Español/ Deutsch)
Comienza el primer Diplomado Superior CALAS/CLASCO Sustentabilidad y Justicia Social
Am 2. – 3. Juli 2021 findet die Online-Tagung "Corona in Lateinamerika – Analysen und Visionen für eine globale Transformation" im Gespräch mit Kirchen, Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft statt.
Researchers in Colombia and Germany reject the escalation of violence in Colombia
Interview with Martha Alfonso, second vice president of the Colombian education union FECODE. Interview by: Markus Ciesielski, PhD student at Justus Liebig University Giessen and Hans Böckler Foundation PhD scholarship holder.
Ecuador after the commodities boom: a rentier society’s labyrinth.
This book aims, from a multidisciplinary perspective, to reactivate the academic debate on whether natural resource wealth is a blessing or a curse. This book presents a groundbreaking diachronic comparative approach of analysing two Ecuadorian oil booms, those in 1972–1980 and 2003–2014.
The anthology analyzes from an interdisciplinary perspective the effects and consequences of the prosecution of serious human rights violations in different countries and regions of the world at the social, political, and legal levels.