Research & Transfer
The research in the Accent Area Data Driven Economy (AA DDE) focuses on three fields. These sites provide further information on projects, publications and transfer activities.
Research Focus
The research in the Accent Area Data Driven Economy (AA DDE) focuses on three fields:
- Customer and User: Inviduals and their data. In the DecIs-Lab, for example, we use eye-tracking data to learn about consumers' preferences during their purchase decisions. We use this data to design intelligent user assistance systems that support the consumer when choosing products and services.
- Firm: Data driven business models at the firm level. An example of putting this into practice can be found in, a spin-off company that emerged from a research project and whose business model is based on the AI-based real-time analysis of company-related web data.
- Policy and Society: Regulation, labor markets etc. at sectoral and aggregate economic level, political and ethical aspects. For example, we analyze information diffusion and propagation patterns on social media in order to develop effective countermeasures against misinformation (e.g., fake news) and hate speech.
Specific reserach projects typically adress aspects of one or more of these fields, e.g., following the data value added chain.
In addition, the members of AA DDE develop and apply specific research methods, which are themselves driving the data-driven economy, but are also useful for the scientific analysis of relevant developments