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Curriculum Vitae

(2 weeks)
La Selva and San Jose in Costa Rica. DAAD travel grant for conference travel
since 02/2013 Research assistant in teaching modules and research of the Justus-Liebig-University
2012 Responsible for data acquisition of environmental reports
2011 – 2012 Student assistant in teaching modules of the Justus-Liebig-University
2010 – 2012 M. Sc. Biology, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Ø 0.9
Focus: Immunology, Botany
Thesis: „Morphology and Enzymology of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Bat Species“
2007 – 2010 B. Sc. Biology, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Ø 2.0
Focus: Immunology, Botany, Biochemistry
Thesis: „Interaktion zwischen Blattläusen und ihren Wirtspflanzen: Speichelabgabe und Probennahme in Parenchymzellen und Siebröhren
10/2006 – 02/2007
(5 months)
Work & Travel Vancouver, Kanada
2004 –2006 St. Hildegard Gymnasium Ulm
1997 – 2004 Anna-Essinger Gymnasium Ulm
1993 – 1997 Ludwig-Uhland Grundschule Blaustein