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Resource Problems


How do I deal in my course with the fact that the seminar room or auditorium is completely overcrowded? How can I ensure that every participant can follow the content of the course?


This page is constantly growing with the project and is regularly filled with new content.

Unless otherwise stated, the following sources are valid: •


Live broadcasting

Through a  live broadcast, you can make your course accessible to students in other classrooms (in case of a overcrowded classroom) and at home. This way a location independence can be achieved. Web conferences, auditorium transmission and live streaming are also included in the category of live broadcasts.

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Recording of lectures enables teachers to quickly and efficiently implement learning content electronically, making your lecture available anywhere and at any time with little effort. Students can use these recordings as a lecture substitute, as a follow-up to lectures or to prepare for exams.


The following options are available:

  • Video or audio recording
  • Synchronization with the presentation slides
  • Interactive table of contents
  • Recording of screen actions (live screencast)
  • Publication on the Internet via Stud.IP and/or ILIAS