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Faculty - Text

Various responsibilities which used to lie with the central university administration have been transferred to decentral faculty management. These include allocation and controlling of finances and budgets, faculty development, human resources management, public relations, organization and management of teaching, communication within the faculty and between faculty and university administration, reporting ...

The dean's office manages the faculty with the support of a number of committees. The examination boards manage the implementation of the examination regulations and prepare modifications, the faculty board advises the dean's office and has the authority to decide issues of central importance. As a committee representing the entire university the senate also has a say in a number of topics. 

Faculty board
The faculty board discusses and decides matters of fundamental importance, e.g. teaching and examination regulations, appointment decisions, coordination of research projects.
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Examination Boards
The examination boards are responsible for the organisation of all issues concerning examinations in all study courses and ensure compliance with the regulations.
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