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Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Here you will find tips on how to optimally prepare your curriculum vitae (CV).

Format and structure

Depending on how much experience you already have, your resume can be one or even several pages long.

A photo is not mandatory, but in most cases it is still common practice in Germany.

Divide your resume into individual sections (see "Content").
The most recent position should always be at the top, i.e. chronologically from today to back then.

State the month and year (MM/YYYY) as time units. For each station, indicate the place (city and, if it has not always been Germany, also the country).

At the end of your resume, write the place, current date, and include your signature.



As personal data you should provide as a minimum your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.

For information about your school education, the highest degree you have achieved is sufficient, e.g. the school-leaving certificate (A-levels).

In the information about your studies, you should list in keywords the focus or key subjects of your studies that are relevant and appropriate to the position and, if applicable, the topic of your thesis.

Under work experience you include your previous practical experience, i.e. part-time jobs, working student positions, internships, etc. You should list relevant tasks that match the position you are applying for in a few bullet points.

If you are a volunteer or have been abroad for a longer period of time, list that as well.

Language skills can be specified as native speaker/fluent, very good, good and basic.

You can list your IT and methods skills as very good, good or basic.

Under the item "Other qualifications" you can list further training, courses, certificates, etc.


Please note: This is just some basic information.
To really write successful applications and make your documents stand out from the crowd, we strongly recommend that you attend our application preparation workshops!
You can find the current programme here.