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Research Grants

Aims of the funding


The research grants support young researchers at Justus Liebig University Giessen in the course of their first independent application for a third-party funded project. The idea is to submit proposals to the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the DFG's grants in kind or in a comparable format to another external funding body. The support provided by a research grant is intended to increase the chances of funding from the third-party funding body and to promote the early scientific independence of the applicant.

The university's research grant does not constitute project funding, but merely supports the completion of necessary preliminary work (e.g. data collections, experiments, research, etc.) for an innovative third-party funded project within a reasonable period of time. An improvement in the basis for the application (the intended third-party funding application) can also be achieved through a publication in the course of the research grant. The planned completion and submission of the third-party funding application should take place no later than twelve months after the start of funding through the research grant.




The grant is intended to be awarded to early career researchers at Justus Liebig University Giessen as start-up funding for promising externally funded projects. Persons who are employed in a state position or as part of an ongoing externally funded project are eligible to apply. Scholarship holders who work at the university are also eligible to apply, provided that the planned externally funded project is to be carried out at Justus Liebig University Giessen.

The applicant's position must be secured for the duration of the research grant and the planned externally funded project; alternatively, the applicant's own position can also be applied for as part of the externally funded project. Members of Departments 1 - 10 and the scientific centers are eligible to apply. There is a separate call for applications for members of the Faculty of Medicine. Applicants should not be over the age of 34 at the time of application and should not have completed their doctorate more than two years ago. Child-raising periods are taken into account (two years per child).


Scope of funding


The research grant is generally a one-off personal grant, the amount of which is determined by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis and depending on the funds available. The individual funding amounts to up to EUR 10,000, depending on the needs described and the subject area represented by the applicant. In justified exceptional cases, a higher individual amount may also be approved by the Executive Committee.


Application procedure


Applications for research grants must be submitted to the President of Justus Liebig University Giessen at any time. The application for a research grant must contain the following brief information:

  1. information on the concept, objectives and innovative content of the planned third-party funding application, taking into account the work envisaged under the research grant,
  2. information on the methodological and substantive preliminary work carried out to date,
  3. a generally understandable description of the work program for the period of support by the research grant and the planned use of funds,
  4. information on the personal scientific career planning associated with the third-party funding application and the existing integration of the work planned as part of the research grant/third-party funding application into the scientific environment at the respective institute,
  5. a curriculum vitae in tabular form and a list of publications in accordance with DFG requirements.

The application for a research grant should not be longer than five A4 pages and can be sent to the Research Department by email (forschung).

In addition to the documents submitted, the director of the institute or the supervising professor must confirm in a substantive statement that the planned work can be carried out within the framework of the professorship or institute and that the facilities of the professorship or institute can be used. The statement also refers to the assessment of the scientific quality of the present application for a research grant and the prospects of success of the planned application for third-party funding.

Funding procedure


In exceptional cases, the Presidential Board may obtain the opinion of an independent expert who should not come from the same department as the applicant.

The Presidential Board of Justus Liebig University Giessen decides on the annual funding available for research grants and the individual applications for research grants.

All information can also be found in the call for research grants.

 to call

Contact: If you have any questions about the call for applications, please contact the Research Department at forschung