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Coaching for Veterinarians, Animal Caregivers, Veterinary Technicians

Coaching for (Official) Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians, Animal Caregivers, and Administrative Staff in the Veterinary Field


Both veterinarians and veterinary technicians, animal caregivers, and administrative-technical staff often face a variety of challenges in their personal and professional lives. These challenges may include, for example:

  • High responsibility for animals and people
  • Stress and time management
  • Work-life balance
  • Career and life planning
  • Role identification (within the team) and self-perception
  • Communication and leadership
  • Conflicts
  • Dealing with emotions (e.g., related to the euthanasia of animals)
  • Weighing goals and options for action
  • Coping with challenges



What is Coaching?


Coaching is an umbrella term for various consulting methods that can be applied to individuals and teams.

Given the diverse challenges faced by veterinary professionals, coaching services in the realm of personal and professional development are becoming increasingly important. Every person brings unique experiences, thoughts, visions, values, and beliefs that influence their actions in both their professional and personal lives. Coaching helps individuals recognize and develop their needs and potentials.

Coaching supports individuals and teams in:

  • Recognizing their own resources and goals
  • Expanding their options for action
  • Facing challenges and making decisions
  • Providing a space for pausing, reflection, and inquiry

Coaching services in the field of personal and professional development are becoming increasingly significant as a means of recognizing and developing one's own needs and potentials. Each person brings unique experiences, thoughts, visions, values, and beliefs that influence their actions in both their professional and personal lives.



Our Offer:


The Chair of Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare, in collaboration with the ICAR3R - Interdisciplinary Center for Animal Welfare Research and 3R, has created a coaching program specifically tailored to the needs of veterinary professionals. This program provides a safe and personalized environment to address individual needs and challenges.

The focus is on each person’s unique needs, aiming to activate their resources, recognize and utilize their skills and abilities, and equip them to effectively respond to their specific challenges.

All content is treated with strict confidentiality and will not be shared with third parties (including employers). The foundation of our collaboration is always based on the needs of the coaches.

Our coaching services are available both in-person and online.



The Coach:


The program is facilitated by our staff member and trained coach (DGfC), Dr. Katharina Ameli.

In addition to her work at our center, Dr. Ameli also works part-time as a coach in her own practice.


The cost for one-on-one coaching sessions (60 minutes each) is €150. Team coaching sessions are priced individually.




Dr. rer. soc. Katharina Ameli
Coordinator for Animal Welfare, ICAR3R &
Certificate Course in Animal-Assisted Services

Chair of Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare
Clinic for Veterinary Medicine
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Frankfurter Strasse 110, 35392 Gießen

Room: 106
Phone/Fax: 0641/99-38755 - 0641/99-38759


For questions or to schedule an appointment, please contact: