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JustAct - Call for proposals 2024 - Funding for student initiatives

JustAct - Call for proposals 2024 - Funding for student initiatives

Encouraging student initiatives for career guidance and employability

Welcome to the information page for our JUSTact funding programme! This programme of the Career Services division at the ZfbK aims to support student initiatives at the JLU that want to organise and offer career orientation and employability programmes.

Why JustACT! ?

During your studies, you have probably asked yourself: "What will I do when I graduate?" or "How will I get into my chosen career field? You may also want to delve deeper into practical topics that are only touched on in passing during your studies. justAct! gives you the opportunity to answer these questions on your own initiative. Take the initiative and organise events such as lectures, networking evenings, etc. that will help you and your fellow students improve your employability and network with the professional world.

What does employability mean in this context?

The overall aim of Career Services is to support students in actively managing their careers in a self-determined way, based on their own values and goals. Our approach is based on the progressive development of 'employability' - a combination of four areas of personal development that have been shown to promote self-directed and sustainable career development. These four development areas are career identity, personal adaptability, human capital and social capital.

  1. Career Identity – Find and enhance your professional profile. Who are you? Who do you want to be? What is important to you?
    The answers to these questions are reflected in your professional identity: the goals you have for your professional future; your values, beliefs and standards in relation to your career and work; how you would like to interact socially in your future workplace; and much more. This includes hopes as well as fears. Your past and present will help you set a direction for your professional future.
  2. Personal Adaptability – Flexibility and adaptability to changing professional needs. How do you deal with change? Do you dare to do things? Do you take responsibility for yourself and your life? Career adaptability means that you have a sense of control and responsibility over your own future. You are open to career opportunities, explore and reflect, and are able to plan ahead. You also have the confidence to carry out your plans and adapt them as circumstances change.
    Personal adaptability helps you overcome challenges and grow with them. Instead of giving up in the face of changing working conditions and obstacles, you are able to find solutions and break new ground. For example, if you are willing to learn new things and develop existing skills, you will open up new opportunities. As a result, you will remain interesting and indispensable to employers.
  3. Human Capital – The knowledge, skills and competences you need to do your job. What do you know? What can you do? What do you want to learn?
    Your human capital includes all the competences you acquire in and alongside your studies (and later in and alongside your work). These are shaped by your choice of course (and later by your work environment), but they are also defined and developed by you. They include, for example, knowledge, skills and abilities, level of education, work experience, language skills, education and training and much more. In the vast majority of job adverts you will find a section on "What you should bring", for example a bachelor's degree in economics, good English skills and the ability to use computer software. Your human capital includes the basic skills and knowledge you need to fulfil the requirements of a job. It therefore forms the professional basis for employment with an employer.
  4. Social Capital – Networks and relationships to help you advance your career. Who do you know? Where do you find inspiration? Who can support you?
    All the people you know who can support you in some way make up your social network. Your social network can provide you with access to resources such as practical help, recognition, knowledge and connections, as well as job and training opportunities. It is not only important to know as many 'important' people as possible, but also to have a good and trusting relationship with them.
    Through your social network you can, for example, receive job offers and information about potential jobs, make new contacts, get references for a job application, get help with various challenges and access many other support options.

You are welcome to focus your ideas on one or more areas of development.

Funding and support

A total of €5,000 in funding (total volume) is available for 2024. Smaller amounts can also be requested to cover a wide range of subject areas. Support is available for initiatives that aim to create new networks or develop existing ones. Eligible costs include

  • Funding for advisors
  • Travel expenses and accommodation for external advisors
  • Public relations (e.g. printing of promotional material)
  • Workshop Consumables

The support we provide includes

  • Consultation on the organisation and implementation of your projects
  • Help with finding suitable facilities and premises
  • Access to the Career Services networks
  • Expert consultation and support

How to get funded

  • Applications can only be submitted by JLU student initiatives (at least three members for newly established organisations). The term is broadly defined and may include formal institutions such as student councils and clubs, as well as looser initiatives.
  • Programmes should focus on one or more areas of employability. 
  • A rough financial and implementation plan is required.
  • Long-term objectives and a possible re-financing plan must be presented.


At the end of the project, all participants will receive a certificate of participation from the Career Services department at JLU's ZfbK. The certificate also lists the services provided, e.g. project management, planning, implementation, etc.

What is particularly supported?

  • Mentoring programmes (e.g. peer mentoring, alumni mentoring)
  • Networking events with e.g. employers/companies and alumni
  • Lectures on professional fields and professional identity
  • Projects for the practical application and transfer of professional knowledge

Application and deadline

The application deadline is Friday, 19 July 2024.

You can find the application form here: Application Form in german [Word-Datei .docx]

Please send the completed application form to the following e-mail address: career-services

Further Information: Implementation guide in german [PDF]

We look forward to your creative and innovative projects! 


Please contact Mr Benjamin Frank-Morgan if you have any questions:

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Zentrum für fremdsprachliche und berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen (ZfbK)
Benjamin Frank-Morgan
Abteilung Career Services
Leihgesterner Weg 52, D-35392 Gießen
Tel.: + 49 (0)641 / 99-18010
E-Mail: career-services