- Formal School or Koranic School? Determinants of school type choice in Senegal
Vortragende: Dr. Iris Gönsch, Anlass: Entwicklungsländerausschuss, Verein für Socialpolitik, 21.-22.06.2013, München - Does the availability of secondary schools increase primary schooling? Empirical evidence from northern Senegal; Vortragende: Iris Gönsch, Anlass: Poster at Second Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics and Econometrics of Education, Lissabon, 18.-19.01.2013
Child Quality and Child Quantity: Evidence from Bolivian Household SurveysDatum: 22.06.2012 Vortragender: Dr. Sebastian Bredl Anlass: Verein für Socialpolitik, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer (AEL) Jahrestagung 2012, Bonn
Child Quality and Child Quantity: Evidence from Bolivian Household Surveys (Poster Präsentation)Sebastian Bredl Datum: 22.06.2012 Vortragender: Dr. Sebastian Bredl Anlass: Verein für Socialpolitik, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer (AEL) Jahrestagung 2012, Bonn, 22.-23.06.2012
A Statistical Approach to Detect Cheating InterviewersDatum: 12.11.2009 Vortragender: Dr. Sebastian Bredl Anlass: PPSM, Bremen,12.-13.11.2009
Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models - New Approaches to the Model Selection ProblemDatum: 27.03.2007 Vortragender: Dipl.-Vw. Mark Meyer Anlass: Statistik unter einem Dach (DAGStat), Universität Bielefeld
STAR Models - New Approaches to the Model Selection ProblemDatum: 01.09.2006 Vortragender: Dipl.-Vw. Mark Meyer Anlass: Udine workshop on "Nonlinear Dynamical Methods and Time Series Analysis"
Poverty and Production Efficiency in the Rural Areas of KyrgyzstanDatum: 13.06.2001 Vortragender: Kanat Tilekeyev Anlass: International Symposium "Pastorlaism in Central Asia: Status, Challenges and Opportunities in Mountain Areas", UCA Bishkek