TC/CS: Souverän beraten / How to organize and conduct (digital) consultations efficiently
- TC/CS: Souverän beraten / How to organize and conduct (digital) consultations efficiently
- 2021-11-17T09:00:00+01:00
- 2021-11-17T13:30:00+01:00
Nov 17, 2021 from 09:00 to 01:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
Topics and goals:
- communication techniques for enhancing student learning through consulting
- settings and techniques
- planning and time management for consulting students
- roles and expectations
- online consulting
There is a wide range of student's expectations regarding consultation hours:
- receiving information/facts on formal procedures, examinations or topics
- seeking assistance for assignments, assessments or related questions
- lead an inspiring or intellectual discussion of topics
- development of specific action plans for projects
- receiving feedback on products, procedures etc.
Besides these standard consulting you might also be involved in supervising students (e.g. BA/MA thesis or laboratory work). The workshop will provide you with methods and techniques to approach and master these tasks. We will also focus on the difference between online and "live" consulting.
We will work with a practical approach, using your consulting situations for your learning.
- To participate you need a laptop or computer with audio / video function (microphone and camera). You also need a stable internet connection.
- You will receive an individual login code for the moodle course room for the workshop on 5 days prior to the online attendance date latest
- Preparation phase - prerequisite for participation: approx. 2 hours, on your own time: in the moodle course room you will find materials and tasks to prepare. If necessary, these tasks are supervised by the trainer.
- On the online attendance date, we will work together on interactive learning situations from 9:00 am to around 1:30 pm (short breaks)
Transfer phase: approx. 2 hours, on your own time: in the moodle course room you will receive feedback, can ask further questions and exchange ideas with the trainer and the other participants
// Dr. Eva Reichmann berät und begleitet bundesweit bei hochschuldidaktischen Themen und Fragen der Karriereplanung. Seit 2011 ist sie Inhaberin von beruf & leben GbR (gemeinsam mit Bianca Sievert).
Blended learning:
8.– 16. November: Preparation Phase (approx. 2 hours)
17. November, 9-13.30: Online Attendence (using moodle and zoom parallel)
18.–25. November: Transfer Phase (approx. 2 hours)
Diese Veranstaltung ist mit 8 AE im Themenfeld "Beraten und Begleiten" auf das Zertifikat "Kompetenz für professionelle Hochschullehre" des Hochschuldidaktischen Netzwerks Mittelhessen (HDM) anrechenbar.