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Composition of the Study programme

The programme combines research and application-oriented aspects and is divided into two course semesters and two research semesters. In the research semesters you will complete your education in a research-related environment in direct contact with several working groups of the two universities or external institutes/companies to complete your training in a research-related environment.

In order to familiarise students with an international professional field, an internship abroad of up to 12 CP is possible and desired, but not mandatory. In addition, starting in the second semester, courses are taught in English so that students become more accustomed to obtaining information from foreign language sources and communicating in English. 



1. Semester 2. Semester
Fundamental Mathematics (6 CP)

Core areas

  • Specialisation area II:
    Molecular systems biology Part 1 and 2 (each 6 CP)
  • Specialisation area III:
    Applied modeling of complex biological processes and systems part 1 and 2 (each 6 CP)
  • Specialisation area IV 
    Analysis of High- Throughput Data Part 1 and 2 (each 6 CP)

In the specialisations II-IV, sections 1 and 2 build on each other, which is why they are chosen in their entirety,

  • Specialisation V: Algorithms in Bioinformatics (6 CP), Algebraic Dynamic Programming (6 CP), Big Data (6 CP), Machine Learning (6 CP)

The four modules from specialisation V can be freely combined. You choose a total of 24 CP. Two specialisations from II-IV can be selected, or two modules from specialisation V and another specialisation can be selected, or all four modules from specialisation V can be taken.

Fundamental Calculus and Statistics (6 CP)


Module a or module b:

a) for students without previous knowledge in bioinformatics: Computer Science (6 CP)

b) for students with previous knowledge: Biology (6 CP)

Methods seminar (3 CP)

Compulsory elective module with alternating offers from the following subject areas:

  • Informatics
  • Metabolomics/proteomics/transcriptomics/genomics/metagenomics
  • Drug substance research
  • Object-orientated programming
  • Microbiome data analysis
  • High Performance Computing (HPC)
  • Simulation
Introduction to core areas of the master programme (12 CP)
  • Bioinformatics Algorithms, algebraic dynamic programming, big data, machine learning
  • Molecular systems biology
  • Applied modeling of complex biological processes and systems
  • Analysis of High- Throughput Data

Lecture series Modern Aspects of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (3 CP)

Working groups, research institutes and companies that offer internships and/or final theses in the practical year introduce themselves.

Additional Qualifications (6 CP)

You choose from the modules below.


Additional Qualification I:

a) Statistical models for bioinformatics and systems biology (6 CP)

b) Object-oriented Programming (6 CP)

c) Applied Bioinformatics (6CP) 

3. Semester 4. Semester
The majority of the 3rd semester is dedicated to working in working groups. Master-Thesis with the previously elected supervisor. Can also be completed in co-operation with industry or abroad.
Laboratory Rotation 1 (6 CP)

Laboratory rotation in a university working group or a comparable research institution

(One or both laboratory internships can be replaced by a work placement or a stay abroad.)

Laboratory Rotation 2 (6 CP)
Laboratory rotation in a university working group or a comparable research institution

(One or both laboratory internships can be replaced by a work placement or a stay abroad.)

Scientific project work (6 CP)
Methodical preparation for the thesis, is accomplished in the working group in which the thesis is also written in.
Introduction to scientific work and thesis preparation (6 CP)
Practical and conceptual components of planning scientific projects and writing project proposals and scientific publications.
Special seminar I (3 CP)
Seminar on current topics from a research area of bioinformatics or systems biology. Preparation of a presentation on a current topic (e.g. literature presentation).

Specia seminar II (3 CP)
Seminar on current topics from a research area of bioinformatics or systems biology. Preparation of a presentation on a current topic (e.g. literature presentation).


Master-Thesis (after the Scientific project work, usually in the 4th semester)

With the Master's thesis the students will demonstrate their ability to work independently on scientific problems in one of the focus areas of their subject and the course is then completed.


Further Information

A description of the core- and specialisation modules can be found in the special regulations with module descriptions and module plans (in German)

More on this... ("Spezielle Ordnung")


Courses offered in the course catalogue