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VR Use Case Catalogue

Use Case Catalogue Introduction

The Virtual Reality Use Case Catalogue is a constantly growing collection of activities at universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that deal with the topic of virtual reality in higher education teaching.
The catalogue aims to support new projects, teachers, and interested people...
  • by helping them to find contacts in different disciplines or in their own department or faculties,
  • by informing them about activities related to virtual reality in higher education teaching in their disciplines,
  • to find inspiration for their own plans and projects,
  • to serve as a networking tool.
We would like to thank all the people, projects and institutions for their kind permission to be included in the Use Case Catalogue!
Use Case Catalogue Note

Please note: Below you will find all entries sorted by federal state. The 'All' tab is open by default to allow you to browse all entries at a glance. To reduce this view, click on one of the states. Your project, your institution or your plans fall into the area of "VR in Higher Education" and you are interested in being included in the Use Case Catalogue Please contact us via email at labnidit.

Sorted by Federal State

Here you will find all entries sorted by federal state. Click on one of the tabs to select a specific state.
Federal States Collection


Mouse dissection is part of many zoology practicals. This project will test the use of a virtual reality application for mouse dissection. The aim is for students to learn more. And use fewer animals.

Schwerpunkt: Veterinary Medicine

Go to AKTiViR »

Immersive Learning

The aim is to implement, use and evaluate AR and VR applications for use in courses and for the preparation and follow-up of lectures, tutorials and internships.

Focus: Interdisciplinary

Go to Immersive Learning »


Medicine places high demands on students during their undergraduate and postgraduate training.  Overcrowded emergency rooms or severely injured patients in the shock room, but also conversations with relatives and communicating complex diagnoses are situations with high cognitive and psychological demands. The aim of the project is to develop a teaching and learning unit for dealing with stressful situations, as well as VR training units to simulate these situations.

Focus: Medicine

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