Dr. Daniel Herold
- Postdoktorand
Telefon & Telefax:
0641 / 9922052 (Büro)
0641 / 9922051 (Sekr.)
0641 / 9922059 (Fax)
Licher Straße 62
35394 Giessen
nach Vereinbarung
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Entry deterrence due to brand proliferation: Empirical evidence from the German interurban bus industry. De Haas, S., Herold, D., Schaefer J. T., International Journal of Industrial Organization, 102844, 2022.
- Kartellschadensersatz, with J. Paha, in Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht, 15(1), p. 3–11, 2022.
- Efficiency in COVID-19 Vaccination Compaigns - A Comparison across Germany's Federal States. Götz, G., Herold, D., Schaefer, J. T. and Klotz, P-A. Vaccines 9(7), 788, 2021.
- Shopping Hours and Entry - An Empirical Analysis of Aldi's Opening Hours. De Haas, S., Herold, D. and Schaefer J. T. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2020.
- Pegel runter, Preise hoch - Wie der Rheinpegel die Tankstellenpreise in Hamburg beeinflusst. De Haas, S., Herold, D. and Schaefer, J. T.. Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 99, No. 4, 2019.
- Cartels as Defensive Devices: Evidence from Decisions of the European Commission 2001-2010. Herold, D. und Paha, J. Review of Law & Economics, 14(1), 2018.
Articles in Non-Refereed Journals and Anthologies
- Staatliche Eingriffe in die Preisbildung – Darstellung, Erklärung und Wirkungsanalyse, with M. Gail, G. Götz, P-A. Klotz, D. Lüke, J. Paha und J. Schäfer, Springer
Essentials, 2023 - Herold, D. (2016). „Compliance and Incentive Contracts." Competition Law Compliance Programmes – An Interdisciplinary Approach. Johannes Paha (ed.). Springer: Heidelberg
- Götz, G., Herold, D. and Paha, J. (2016). „Results of a Survey in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on how to Prevent Violations of Competition Laws." Competition Law Compliance Programmes – An Interdisciplinary Approach. Johannes Paha (ed.). Springer: Heidelberg
- Götz, G., Herold, D. und Paha, J. (2015). „Forschungsprojekt Kartellrechts-Compliance: Wie Compliance-Maßnahmen Kartellrechtsverstöße verhindern und zum Unternehmenserfolg beitragen können." FIW-Schriftenreihe. Band 249. Carl Heymanns Verlag: Köln
- Götz, G., Herold, D. und Paha, J. (2015). „Kartellrechtliche Compliance-Programme – Vom Risikobewusstsein zur Risikosteuerung." Compliance 2015 Perspektiven einer Entwicklung. Berufsverband der Compliance Manager (Hrsg.). 335-364. Helios: Berlin
Working Paper
- Innovation, Bestsellers and Digitization-Where to Find the Needle in the Haystack?with G. Goetz, P. Klotz und J. Schäfer, MAGKS Discussion Paper No. 12-2020.
- The Substitutability between Brick-and-Mortar Stores and e-Commerce-The Case of Books with G. Goetz, P. Klotz und J. Schäfer, MAGKS Discussion Paper No. 11-2020.
- Herold, D. (2017a). „Compliance Programs, Signaling and Firms’ International Coordination." MAGKS Discussion Paper No. 49-2017.
- Herold, D. (2017b). „Information Exchange in Retail Markets with Uncertainty about Downstream Costs." MAGKS Discussion Paper No. 50-2017.
- Herold, D. (2017c). „The Impact of Incentive Pay on Corporate Crime." MAGKS Discussion Paper No. 52-2017.
- „Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt - Angelpunkte der kartellrechtlichen Compliance", Götz, G., Paha, J., Herold, D., Funck, M. (2015), Handelsblatt Journal May 2015, 13-14