Document Actions

Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer


Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer

Deputy Coordinator and Sub-Project Leader
BMBF project "SUSKULT"


Justus Liebig University Giessen
Department of Political Science

Karl-Gloeckner-Strasse 21E

D-35394 Giessen


Philosophikum II Room E206

☎ +49 641 99 23113

Office Hours

by appointment via e-mail


Academic Career History

Academic Career History

since 06/01/2019
Principal Investigator Collaborative SUSKULT Project
"Development of a Sustainable Cultivation System for Food in Resilient Metropolitan Regions", 2019-2024, Funding Organization: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

08/01/2017 – 01/15/2021
Co-Principal Investigator TANNRE Project
"The Transformation Potential of Inter-institutional Arrangements and the Norm of Sustainability in the Global Regime Complex for Food", 2017-2021, Funding Organization: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

04/01/2015 – 09/30/2016
Interim Professor of International Politics, Humboldt-University of Berlin

since 03/16/2014
Assistant Professor of International Relations, Justus Liebig University Giessen

03/07/2013 – 03/15/2014
Parental Leave

Doctorate in Political Science and Economics (Doctor Rerum Politicarum), Technische Universität Darmstadt (magna cum laude)

11/01/2008 – 03/15/2014
Research Associate, FernUniversität in Hagen (awarded by the Post-Doctoral Gender Funding Program with a Part-time Position exclusively for Independent Research since 10/01/2011)

11/01/2005 – 10/30/2008
Research Associate, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Research Project “Corporations as Norm-Entrepreneurs?”, Funding Organization: German Research Foundation (DFG)

09/30/1999 – 08/25/2005
Studies in Political Science (Major), Sociology (Minor), Law (Minor), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Final Grade 1,0 (passed with distinction)




Ambio - A Journal of Environment and Society

Australasian Journal of Environmental Management (AJEM)

Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA)


European Policy Analysis (EPA)

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Globalization and Health

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA)

Journal of Environmental Management (JEMA)

Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning

Journal of International Relations [Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen] (ZIB)

Politics and Governance

Public Administration (PA)

Regulation & Governance


Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy



since 11/27/2023
Speaker of the Section “Norms and Changes in Global Politics”, Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS), Justus Liebig University Giessen

since 03/13/2023
of the Center for Sustainable Food Systems (ZNE), Justus Liebig University Giessen

since 01/15/2020
Chair Steering Committee, ECPR Research Network "Food Policy and Governance"

since 10/01/2017
Official Representative
(OR) of Justus Liebig University Giessen at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

since 11/15/2016
Senior Scientist at the Center for international Development and Environmental Research (ZEU)| Justus Liebig University Giessen

since 09/27/2018 - 09/26/2024
of the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" of the German Political Science Association (GPSA)

10/01/2017 – 09/30/2019
Member of the Board
of the Institute of Political Science, Representative of the Group of Academic Associates, Justus Liebig University Giessen

10/01/2015 – 09/30/2016
Member of the Steering Committee of the Master’s Program “International Relations”, Humboldt-University of Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | University of Potsdam

04/01/2015 – 09/30/2016
Member of the Council of the “Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences” (BGSS), Humboldt-University of Berlin

since 2015
Member of the Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS), Section “Norms and Change in International Politics”, Justus Liebig University Giessen

04/01/2012 – 03/15/2014
Member of the Board of the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences, Representative of the Group of Academic Associates, FernUniversität in Hagen

10/01/2010 – 12/31/2012
Member of the Working Group “Didactics in Distance Education”, Institute of Political Science, FernUniversität in Hagen

04/01/2010 – 03/31/2012
Alternate Member of the Study Affairs Committee of the Bachelor of Arts “Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft”, Representative of the Group of Academic Associates, FernUniversität in Hagen



Research Network "Food Policy and Governance" | European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

International Political Science Association (IPSA)

International Public Policy Association (IPPA)

German Political Science Association (DVPW)

International Research Network "Limits to Growth Revisited“

Center for international Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) | Justus Liebig University Giessen

Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS) | Justus Liebig University Giessen



Monographs (peer-reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2011: Nationale Bedingungen und freiwillige unternehmerische Normbefolgung. Eine Analyse deutscher Unternehmen der G500 in der Global Reporting Initiative [National Conditions and Corporate Voluntary Norm Compliance: Analyzing German G500 in the Global Reporting Initiative], Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Flohr, Annegret/Rieth, Lothar/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Wolf, Klaus Dieter 2010: The Role of Business in Global Governance: Corporations as Norm-Entrepreneurs, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Gonglach Denise 2024: Closing the nutrient-food loop: technology innovation and (de)politicization in European nutrient policy, in: Frontiers in Political Science, 6(2024), Doi: 10.3389/fpos.2024.1382338

Graf Antonia/Loges, Bastian/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2023: Inter- und Transdisziplinarität als normative Dynamik: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Politikwissenschaft. [Inter- and Transdisciplinarity as a Normative Dynamic: Challenges and Opportunities for Political Science], in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64, 447–472.

Feindt, Peter H./Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Tosun, Jale 2021: Politicization, Depoliticization and Policy Change: A Comparative Theoretical Perspective on Agri-food Policy, in: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 23: 5-6, 509525.

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Checa, Andrés/Manderbach, Jacob/Tanzer, Magdalena 2021: Politicized Sustainability and Agricultural Policy: Comparing Norm Understandings of International Organizations, in: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 23: 5-6, 625643.

Keuter, Volkmar/Deck, Sebastian/Giesenkamp, Heidi/Gonglach, Denise/Katayama, Victor T./Liesegang, Sica/Petersen, Finn/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Steinmetz, Heidrun/Ulbrich, Andreas 2021: Significance and Vision of Nutrient Recovery for Sustainable City Food Systems in Germany by 2050, in: Sustainability, 13: 19, 10772.

Vogeler, Colette S./Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Gonglach, Denise/Bandelow, Nils C. 2021: Agri-Food Technology Politics: Exploring Policy Narratives in the European Parliament, in: European Policy Analysis, 7: Suppl. 2, 324–343.

Weiland, Sabine/Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/Marquardt, Jens/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2021: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative Change through the Sustainable Development Goals?, in: Politics and Governance, 9: 1, 90–95.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Gonglach, Denise 2021: SDG Implementation through Technology? Governing Food-Water-Technology Nexus Challenges in Urban Agriculture, in: Politics and Governance, 9: 1, 176–186.

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Checa, Andrés/Manderbach, Jacob/Tanzer, Magdalena 2021: Aligned Sustainability Understandings? Global Inter-Institutional Arrangements and the Implementation of SDG 2, in: Politics and Governance, 9: 1, 141–151.

Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/Marquardt, Jens/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Weiland, Sabine 2020: Die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung [The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development], in: WeltTrends - Das außenpolitische Journal, 28: 165, 18-19.

Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/Marquardt, Jens/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Weiland, Sabine 2020: Die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Eine Zwischenbilanz [The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Taking Stock], in: WeltTrends - Das außenpolitische Journal, 28: 165, 20-26.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2020: The Rise, Regulation, and Risks of Genetically Modified Insect Technology in Global Agriculture, in: Science, Technology and Society, 25: 1, 124–141.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2019: Von Problemverursachern zu Problemlösern – und wieder zurück? Die Rolle von transnationalen Unternehmen in der Weltordnungspolitik [From Problem Causers to Problem Solvers - and Back? The Role of Corporations in World Politics], in: Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte, 01-02/2019, 31-34. (not peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2018: The New Regionalism in Global Organic Agricultural Governance through Standards: Results from a Cross-Regional Comparison, in: Global Environmental Politics, 18: 3, 86-105.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Breitmeier, Helmut/Kirf, Barbara 2017: Die Norm der Nachhaltigkeit im globalen Regimekomplex für Ernährung – Anerkannt und doch umstritten [The Norm of Sustainability in the Global Regime Complex for Food - Accepted but still Contested], in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 10: 3, 353-371.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2017: Global Organic Agriculture Policy-Making through Standards as an Organizational Field: When Institutional Dynamics meet Entrepreneurs, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 24: 11, 1678-1697.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2016: Authority Pooling and Regional Organic Agriculture Standard-Setting: Evidence from East Africa, in: Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 18: 1, 102-120.

Hajduk, Thomas/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2015: Der Staat ist tot, lang lebe der Staat! Interdisziplinäre Anmerkungen zur Reziprozität von unternehmerischer Verantwortungs-übernahme und dem Wandel von Staatlichkeit [The State is Dead, Long Live the State! Interdisciplinary Remarks on the Reciprocity of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Transformations of the State], in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 16: 3, 394-409.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2013: Patterns and Explanations of Corporate Voluntary Norm Compliance: Results from a Structured Focused Comparison of German G500 in the Global Reporting Initiative, in: German Policy Studies, 9: 2, 123-160.

Wolf, Klaus Dieter/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2011: Vom Business Case zum Public Case? Der Beitrag privater Selbstregulierung zu Global Governance [From Business Case to Public Case? The Contribution of Private Self-Regulation to Global Governance], in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 12: 1, 10-28.


Edited Volumes

Tosun, Jale/Feindt, Peter H./Schwindenhammer, Sandra (Eds.) 2021: Issue Politicization and Policy Change: Lesson Drawing from the Case of Agriculture-Food Policy Process, Special Issue Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice (JCPA), 23: 5-6.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Strobehn, Katrin/Breitmeier, Helmut/Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/ Marquardt, Jens/Weiland, Sabine (Eds.) 2021: Digital Sustainability Education – Potential, Development Trends and Good Practices, SDGnexus Network Working Paper 03-2021, Center for international Development and Environmental Research (ZEU), Justus Liebig University Giessen. DOI:

Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/Marquardt, Jens/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Weiland, Sabine (Eds.) (2021): The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative Change through Sustainable Development Goals?, Special Issue of Politics and Governance, 9: 1.

Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/Marquardt, Jens/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Weiland, Sabine (Eds.) (2020): Nachhaltig bis 2030? Die Agenda der Vereinten Nationen, [Sustainable until 2030? The Agenda of the United Nations], Special Issue of WeltTrends - Das außenpolitische Journal, July 2020, 28(165).

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra (Eds.) 2012: Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Soziologie - Klassische Texte [Political Science, Administration, Sociology – Classical Writings], Distance Teaching Course No. 34656, Hagen: FernUniversität in Hagen.


Articles in Edited Volumes

Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Partzsch, Lena 2023: SDG 2 and the Dominance of Food Security in the Global Agri-food Norm Cluster, in: Partzsch, Lena (Ed.): The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 152-170. (peer reviewed)

Kräh, Laura/Krötz, Ruth/Schwindenhammer, Sandra (2023). Interview with Sandra Schwindenhammer: Partnering with the Enemy to Achieve SDG 2?, in: Partzsch, Lena (Ed.): The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 171-173.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2023: The Future We Want? Interlinking Global Sustainability Norm Change, Technology Innovation, and Regime Complexity, in: Krieger, Heike/Liese, Andrea (Eds.): Tracing Value Change in the International Legal Order. Perspectives from Legal and Political Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 286-304. (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Denise Gonglach 2022: Abwasser von heute als Dünger von morgen? Partizipative Forschungsbefunde über Transparenzbedarfe und Verfahren unter der SUSKULT-Vision [Today's Waste Water as Fertilizer of Tomorrow? Findings from Participatory Research on Transparency Demands and Procedures under the SUSKULT-Vision], in: Reinermann, Julia/Kamlage, Jan-Hendrik/de Vries, Nicole/Goerke, Ute/Oertel, Britta/Schrey, Silvia Diane (Hrsg.): Zukünfte nachhaltiger Bioökonomie. Kommunikation und Partizipation in neuen Wirtschaftsformen [Futures of the Sustainable Bio-economy. Communication and Participation in New Forms of the Economy]. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 135-149. (open access/ peer reviewed)

Hickmann, Thomas/Lederer, Markus/Marquardt, Jens/Radtke, Jörg/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Weiland, Sabine 2022: Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeitstransformation: Mehr Politikwissenschaft wagen! [Sustainability Transformation Challenge: More Political Science is Needed!], in: Bergem, Wolfgang/Schöne, Helmar (Hrsg.): Wie relevant ist die Politikwissenschaft? [How Relevant is Political Science?], Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-159. (peer reviewed)

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Checa, Andrés/Manderbach, Jacob/Tanzer, Magdalena 2021: Wissen als Treiber für Wandel. Die Harmonisierung von Nachhaltigkeitsverständnissen in der globalen Ernährungspolitik [Knowledge as Driver for Change. Harmoninzing Understandings of Sustainability in Global Food Governance], in: Böschen, Stefan/Grunwald, Armin/Krings, Bettina-Johanna/Rösch, Christine (Hrsg.): Technikfolgenabschätzung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 443-456. (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2021: Standards als Ergebnis, Ursache oder Instrument von Ernährungskommunikation? Politikwissenschaftliche Reflexion eines vielschichtigen Wechselverhältnisses [Standards as impact, cause or instrument of food communication? Reflections on complex reciprocity], in: Godemann, Jasmin/Bartelmeß, Tina (Hrsg.): Ernährungskommunikation. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven – Theorien – Methoden [Food communication. Interdisciplinary perspectives – theories – methods], Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 225-238. (peer reviewed)

Wolf, Klaus Dieter/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2020: Vom Business Case zum Public Case? Der Beitrag privater Selbstregulierung zu Global Governance [From Business Case to Public Case? The Contribution of Private Self-Regulation to Global Governance], in: Beschorner, Thomas/Brink, Alexander/Hollstein, Bettina/Hübscher, Marc C./Schumann, Olaf (Hrsg.): Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 541-559, (peer reviewed)

Wolf, Klaus Dieter/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2020: Über die „Vogelperspektive“ als interdisziplinäre Klammer [On the Bird's-Eye View as an Interdisciplinary Linkage], in: Beschorner, Thomas/Brink, Alexander/Hollstein, Bettina/Hübscher, Marc C./Schumann, Olaf (Hrsg.): Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 563-567, (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2019: Agricultural Governance in the Anthropocene: A Research Agenda, in: Hickmann, Thomas/Partzsch, Lena/Pattberg, Philipp/Weiland, Sabine (Eds.): The Anthropocene Debate and Political Science, Abingdon: Routledge, 146-163. (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2018: Global Organic Agriculture Policy-Making through Standards as an Organizational Field: When Institutional Dynamics Meet Entrepreneurs, in: Daugbjerg, Carsten/Feindt, Peter H. (Eds.): Transforming Food and Agricultural Policy: Post-exceptionalism in Public Policy, Abingdon: Routledge, 114-133. (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2016: Siegelklarheit oder Label-Hypertrophie? Potenzial und Grenzen von Standards für den Konsum von Bio-Lebensmitteln im europäischen und deut-schen Kontext [The Regulatory Potential and Limits of Standards in the Consumption of Organic Food in the German and European Context], in: Jantke, Kerstin/Lottermoser, Florian/Reinhardt, Jörn/Rothe, Delf/Stöver, Jana (Hrsg.): Nachhaltiger Konsum: Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen [Sustainable Consumption: Institutions, Instruments, and Initatives], Baden-Baden: Nomos, 195-212. (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2016: Loose but still not Lost! Four Challenges for the EU in the Aftermath of the British Referendum, in: Guderjan, Marius (Ed.): The Future of the UK: Between Internal and External Divisions, Berlin: Centre for British Studies, 42-58. (peer reviewed)

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2014: Transnationales Regieren im Bereich Umwelt [Transnational Environmental Governance], in: Breitmeier, Helmut/Conzelmann, Thomas/Wolf, Klaus Dieter (Eds.): Transnationales Regieren [Transnational Governance], Distance Teaching Course 71417, Interdisziplinäres Fernstudium Umweltwissenschaften – infernum, Hagen: FernUniversität in Hagen, 99-132.

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2014: Demokratisches Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaats: Die Kontexttauglichkeit repräsentativer, assoziativer und deliberativer Demokratiemodelle [Democratic Governance Beyond the State: Assessing Representative, Associative, and Deliberative Models of Democracy], in: Breitmeier, Helmut (Ed.): Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Soziologie – Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung, Distance Teaching Course 34654, Hagen: FernUniversität in Hagen, 135-156.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2012: Kommentar zum Klassikertext von Charles E. Lindblom „Inkrementalismus – Die Lehre vom ‚Sich-Durchwursteln‘“ [Comment on the Article by Charles E. Lindblom „The Science of Muddling-Through“], in: Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra (Eds.): Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Soziologie – Klassische Texte, Distance Teaching Course 34656, Hagen: FernUniversität in Hagen, 181-185.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2012: Kommentar zum Klassikertext von Renate Mayntz „Soziale Dynamik und politische Steuerung. Theoretische und methodologische Überlegungen“ [Comment on the Article by Renate Mayntz „Social Dynamic and Political Steering. Theoretical and Methodological Considerations], in: Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra (Eds.): Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Soziologie – Klassische Texte, Distance Teaching Course 34656, Hagen: FernUniversität in Hagen, 205-208.

Flohr, Annegret/Rieth, Lothar/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Wolf, Klaus Dieter 2010: Variations in Corporate Norm-Entrepreneurship: Why the Home State Matters, in: Ougaard, Morten/Leander, Anna (Eds.): Business and Global Governance, London: Routledge, 235-256 (peer-reviewed).


Reports and other Publications

Keuter, Volkmar/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Steinmetz, Heidrun/Ulbrich, Andreas 2021: Drei Standpunkte zum Abschluss-Kommuniqué des Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2021 [Three Positions on the 13th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference Final Communiqué 2021] Oberhausen: SUSKULT, March 2021.

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Checa, Andrés/Manderbach, Jacob/Tanzer, Magdalena 2021: TANNRE – Das Transformationspotenzial inter-institutioneller Arrangements und die Norm der Nachhaltigkeit im globalen Regimekomplex für Ernährung. Final Report BMBF Project 031B0229, Justus Liebig University Giessen, [in German] (published on the Website of the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library (TIB)).

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2021: Umstrittene Nachhaltigkeit in internationalen Institutionen [Contested Sustainability in International Institutions] Online-Article published on the Website of the German Science Year 2020|2021 – Bioeconomy, 22.01.2021 [in German].
Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2020: Demokratieprojekt Bioökonomie [Democracy Project Bioeconomy], Online-Article published on the Website of the German Science Year 2020|2021 – Bioeconomy, 13.7.2020 [in German].

Schwindenhammer, Sandra with the Students of the Course „Die Verwirklichung globaler Normen – Nachhaltigkeit an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen“ [The Implementation of Global Norms - Sustainability at Justus Liebig University Giessen] 2018: Die Verwirklichung der Sustainable Development Goals an der JLU Gießen. Analysen – Potenziale – Empfehlungen [The Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at JLU Giessen. Analyses – Potentials – Recommendations], Research Report, Giessen: Justus Liebig University Giessen.

Schwindenhammer, Sandra u.a. 2013, in: Pütter, Felix/ Kremers, Anorthe (Hrsg.): White Paper of the 2012 Winter School on Limits to Growth Revisited, VolkswagenStiftung, Winter School 24.11.-1.12.2012, Visselhövede/Hannover.

Flohr, Annegret/Rieth, Lothar/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2007: Conceptualizing Business Actors as Norm-Entrepreneurs, DACS Review Paper Nr.1, Technische Universität Darmstadt. 

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2003: Menschenrechtsschutz: Zivilgesellschaft als Watchdog, Online-Lerneinheit, Politikwissenschaft Online (PolitikON).

Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2003: Landminenverbot: Zivilgesellschaft als Triebfeder der Abrüstungspolitik?, Online-Lerneinheit, Politikwissenschaft Online (PolitikON).


News and Media

[2024] Talk | Event "Indoor Farming – Future Technology for Germany" | Fraunhofer UMSICHT, November 19, 2024, Oberhausen

On 19 November 2024, Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer will speak on "Indoor Farming in a Socio-Political Context: Future Potential, Challenges, and Solutions" [in German] as part of the event "Indoor Farming – Future Technology for Germany," organized by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT in Oberhausen. Further event information here:

[2024] Panel Discussion Participant | DAFA Strategic Forum 2024 | 6 November 2024, Berlin

On 6 November 2024, Johanna Böll (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture), Johann Gerdes (Beerfelder Hof), Dr. Alexander Wirsig (MBW Marketing), and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer will take part in the panel discussion “Research for Value Chains” at the DAFA Strategic Forum 2024. The forum will take place from 5 – 6 November 2024 in Berlin. The discussion will be moderated by Sarah Iweala, research associate at WBAE, University of Göttingen. Further event information here:

[2024] DVPW Congress 2024 | Panel on Agri-Food Policy | Göttingen, 24-27 September 2024

Prof. Dr. Colette Vogeler, Prof. Dr. Peter Feindt, and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer are organizing the panel "Navigating Flux: The Evolution of Agri-Food Policy Amidst Cascading Crises for Ensuring Resilient Agri-Food Systems" at the 29th Scientific Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) "Politics in Polycrisis" from 24-27 September 2024, at Georg-August University of Göttingen. More information here:

[2024] DVPW Congress 2024 | Thematic Table on Inter- and Transdisciplinarity | Göttingen, 24 September 2024

Dr. Jens Marquardt and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer are hosting a thematic table on "Inter- and Transdisciplinarity: Opportunities and Challenges for Q Researchers" as part of the side program of the 29th Scientific Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), within the session “It’s a match! – Research-Practical, Conceptual, and Political Challenges for Q Researchers in Discussion”. More information here:

[2024] ECPR General Conference 2024 | Panel “Agri-Food Policy Responding to Crisis: Charting
New Approaches”, University College Dublin, 12-15 August 2024

Prof. Dr. Colette Vogeler and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer co-chair the panel P030 “Agri-Food Policy Responding to Crisis: Charting New Approaches” at the ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin, 12-15 August 2024.

Panel Abstract: This panel examines the transformation of agri-food policies in response to global crises such as climate change, geopolitical conflicts, and resource scarcity. It explores how established and novel governance approaches affect the resilience and sustainability of agri-food systems responding to crises, especially when they interact with established farm income support, other policy areas (water, energy, land, climate), and increasing political polarization. Discussions focus on adapting and transforming policy objectives, strategies, and instruments in the current crisis landscape confronting agri-food systems.

Further information:

[2024] New Section on the Website of since 4 June 2024

With the new section "People Ask - SUSKULT Answers" (in German) we aim to provide insights into various results from the past 5 years of research in the BMBF-funded SUSKULT project. We intend to offer concise answers to questions frequently posed to us in our participatory risk research. These questions touch on important topics such as the technological aspects of nutrient recovery, the quality of our fertilizers, the safety and quality of SUSKULT foods, and the alignment of the SUSKULT approach with the needs of the local population.

Here is the link to the section:

[2024] "Understanding European Farmer Protests and Interest Groups" | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar, 30 April 2024, 15:00-16:30

Further Information:

[2024] Talk on Agriculture and Land Use in Sustainability Policy, 1 February 2024, 14:00-16:00

The talk “Navigating the Dual Quality of Agriculture and Land Use in Sustainability Policy” held on 1 February 2024, 14:00-16:00 (CET) is part of the online-workshop “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Research of Food Systems”, co-organized by SDGnexus Network, the section “Norms and Change in World Politics” of the Graduate Center for Social Sciences, Business, Economics, and Law at Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, and UNAL’s Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota.

[2023] Panel Discussion Participant | GGS-Nachhaltigkeitswerkstatt, 1 December 2023, 9:00-10:30

The panel discussion "How Can Interdisciplinary (Research) Projects on Sustainability Succeed?" (in English, hybrid) by PhD Jakob Lundgren, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wahlen and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer, moderated by Dr. Benjamin Bunk, takes place as part of the GGS-Nachhaltigkeitswerkstatt at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Gustav-Krüger-Saal, Ludwigstraße 23, 35390 Gießen, 9:00-10:30

Further program information here:

[2023] TV Interview KlimaZeit/Tagesschau24 (in German) | 24 November 2023

In the interview with Thomas Ranft for KlimaZeit, the discussion focuses on challenges of implementing climate policy and societal participation.

Available for viewing ARD-Mediathek:

[2023] "Removing Pesticides. Competing Alternatives for Changing Agriculture” (Special Issue Launch) | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar | 31 October 2023, 15:00-16:30

[2023] Radio Interview WDR 5 Neugier genügt - das Feature (in German) | 21 September 2023 

[2023] Research Topic in Frontiers in Political Science

The Guest Editors of the Research Topic "(De)Politicizing Climate and Environmental Politics in Times of Crises: Contexts, Strategies and Effects" in  Frontiers in Political Science, PD. Dr. Basil Bornemann, Prof. Dr. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Dr. Jens Marquardt, Dr. Sabine Weiland and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer, are inviting Abstracts until 17 September 2023. For further information, please visit:

[2023] ECPR General Conference 2023 | Host of Conference Section S63

Dr. Gerry Kamp-Alons and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer are going to host section S63 "Understanding Post-Exceptionalism in Agri-Food Policy-Making: Sustainable Transformation and Policy Reform" at ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague, 4-8 September 2023. Call for panels and papers open until 28 February 2023, further information:

[2023] Radio Interview at Umweltmarkt Duisburg 2023 with Anna Hofmann (in German) | 3 June 2023

Umweltmarkt 2023 – 07 – Anna Hofmann & Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer – SUSKULT – Umweltmarkt 2023 | Podcast on Spotify

[2023] Food System Transformation in the City?" | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar | 15 June 2023, 15:30-17:00

[2023] Talk on regulatory conditions and challenges of nutrient recycling | Agrobusiness Niederrhein e.V (in German) | 14 June 2023

[2023] Interactive information stand "Your wastewater as a source for urban food production" | Environmental market Duisburg 2023, 3 June 2023

[2023] Open Conference "Environmental and Climate Policy in Motion: Politicization, Mobilization and Transformation in Times of Crisis“ organized by the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" of the German Political Science Association| Münster, 22-24 February 2023

CALL FOR PAPERS (in German) and further information here:

[2023] Virtual Lecture and Dialogue on Agricultural Systems of the Future at the Institute of Political Science, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen| 11 January 2023

Virtual discussion and talk given with Denise Gonglach on "The Joint Transdisciplinary Research Project SUSKULT: Sustainability Transformation and Agri-Food Technology Change” in the context of the virtual lecture series of the Institute of Political Science at Justus Liebig University Giessen (12:00-14:00 CET).

[2022] “Food Security Policy and Governance: Insights from International Organizations and the Global South” | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar | 6 December 2022

The virtual seminar (15:30 - 17:00 CET) is organized by ECPR Food Policy and Governance Research Network with the speakers Prof. Matias E. Margulis (The University of British Columbia) and Dr. Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor (Ensign Global College), further information:

[2022] Interview with Agricultural Systems of the Future (AdZ) in the Context of #COP27 | 18 November 2022

Volkmar Keuter and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer talk about the SUSKULT-vision and climate resilient transformation (in German): Von einer Vision zur klimaresilienten Transformation

[2022] Speaker at the Bioeconomy Forum 2022 | 21 September 2022

Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer gives a talk on political regulation and agri-food technology innovation for alternative nutrient and protein sources at the Bioeconomy-Forum 2022, 21-22 September 2022, in the workshop "Sustainable food production in times of climate and energy crisis".

[2022] Inauguration of the SUSKULT demonstration plant | 13 September 2022

Press release (in German) here:

[2022] ECPR General Conference 2022 | Panel "Governing sustainability and technological change in food systems“

Prof. Dr. Colette Vogeler and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer co-chair the panel "Governing sustainability and technological change in food systems" at ECPR General Conference 2022, 22-26 August 2022, University Insbruck.

Panel Abstract:
Agriculture and food systems are under constant pressure to adapt to changing environmental conditions, in particular related to the consequences of climate change, as well as to changing societal and consumers demands. The adaptation to both challenges requires the design of more sustainable agricultural practices and food systems. One pathway towards more sustainable food systems is the integration of new technologies and the exploitation of digitalization opportunities. Especially the latter are, however, not undisputed. The panel aims at deepening the understanding of how policymakers in different countries and under different conditions govern these transformation processes at the intersection of sustainability and technological change. Further information:

[2022] SUSKULT Young Talents Camp 2022 | 14 - 15 July 2022, Osnabrück

On 14 and 15 July 2022, Hochschule Osnabrück and Justus Liebig University Giessen co-hosted the first SUSKULT Young Talents Camp 2022 “E²c – exchange – enhance – create” which offered a platform for the inter- and transdisciplinary exchange of future research and development issues in the context of the joint SUSKULT project. Workshop report (in German) here:

[2022] Speaker at the DGfP Annual Conference 2022 | 9 July 2022

Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer gives a talk on technology innovation and global sustainability politics at the Annual Conference of the German Society for Political Science (DGfP), 8-9 July 2022.

[2022] Speaker at re:publica 22 | 8-10 June 2022, Berlin

Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer speaks in the panel “Nutrient Cycle - The Food Loop” (in German) at re:publica 2022 “Any Way the Wind Blows” on 9 June 2022, Arena Berlin.

YouTube Video:

[2022] Interview with magazine natur 04/2022

Interview with Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer (in German), title „Es fehlt eine offene Diskussion“ [„An open discussion is lacking“], on democracy related aspects of open-air-testing of genetically modified mosquitoes in the US, magazine Natur 04/2022, p. 40.

[2022] Online-Lecture | 6 April 2022, 17:00-18:30 | Hochschule Augsburg

Denise Gonglach and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer give the online lecture on "Technology innovations and sustainable agricultural systems of the future" (in German) at Hochschule Augsburg on 6 April 2022 in the context of the lecture series "Aspects of sustainability and technology" (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rommel).

[2022] ECPR General Conference 2022 | Host of Conference Section S53

Prof. Dr. Carsten Daugbjerg and Sandra Schwindenhammer are going to host section S53 "The politics of sustainable transformation in agri-food policy: reform dynamics, resilience and post-exceptionalist modes of governance" at ECPR General Conference 2022, University of Innsbruck, 22-26 August 2022. Call for panels and papers open until 16 February 2022, further information:

[2022] Special Issue Launch "Issue Politicization and Policy Change: Lesson Drawing from the Case of Agriculture-food Policy Process", Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar | 8 March 2022, 15:00-16:30 (CET)

The virtual launch of the Special Issue of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA), Volume 23, Issue 5-6 (2021), guest edited by Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun, Prof. Dr. Peter Feindt und Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer will comprise the following talks: "Politicization, Depoliticization and Policy Change: A Comparative Theoretical Perspective on Agri-food Policy" (Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun, Heidelberg University), "Politicization and Coalition Magnets in Policy Making: A Comparative Study of Food Sovereignty and Agricultural Reform in Nepal and Ecuador" (Puspa Sharma, Freelance Researcher, PhD, Nepal) and "Populism, Politicization and Policy Change in US and UK Agro-food Policies" (Prof. Dr. Adam Sheingate, Johns Hopkins University and Prof. Dr. Alan Greer, University of the West of England), further information:

[2022] Virtual Lecture at the Institute of Political Science, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen| 9 February 2022

Virtual talk given with Denise Gonglach about "Agricultural systems of the future as a research field in Political Science" in the context of the virtual lecture series of the Institute of Political Science at Justus Liebig University Giessen (12:00-14:00 CET).

[2021] Virtual Lecture on "Digital Sustainability Teaching" | 24 November 2021

Virtual talk given with Prof. Dr. Helmut Breitmeier and Kartin Strobehn in the context of the initiative Gießener Offensive Lehrerbildung (GOL).

[2021] Safe food and welfare for animals: EU food safety and animal welfare” | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar | 16 November 2021

The virtual seminar (15:00 - 16:30 CET) is organized by ECPR Food Policy and Governance Research Network with the speakers Prof. Dr. Colette Vogeler (University of Speyer) und Dr. Giulia Bazzan (University of Copenhagen), further information:

[2021] Virtual Guest Lecture at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences on "Urban Agriculture and the Global Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development" | 12 November 2021

[2021] Sandra Schwindenhammer re-elected Speaker of the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) | 13 September 2021

[2021] DVPW Congress 2021 - Virtual Table  | 13 September 2021

Virtual table „It's a Match: Interdisciplinarity“ with Dr. Bastian Loges (TU Braunschweig)

[2021] Panel Chair | ECPR General Conference 2021| 31 August - 3 September 2021 

Panel P397 "Technology Change and New Modes of Agri-Food Governance" (with Dr. Colette Vogeler)

[2021] Newspaper Interview with Frankfurter Rundschau | 20 August 2021

Newspaper Interview with Stefan Guggenberger "Wege aus der Wasserkrise: Das Gemüsebeet neben der Kläranlage?" [Ways out of the Water Crisis: Cultivating Vegetables next to a Treatment Plant"] (in German):

[2021] Panel Chair | 5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5) | 5 - 9 Juli 2021

Panel T02P05 "Post-Exceptionalism and Nexus Governance in Food and Agricultural Policy" (with Gerry Alons und Prof. Dr. Carsten Daugbjerg)

[2021] Radio Interview with Deutschlandfunk Kultur | 15 June 2021

Radio interview with Kai Rüsberg about urban agriculture and vegetables from roof farming, podcast (in German) here:

[2021] Focus Group Workshop "Marketing, Commercialisation and Consumption of SUSKULT foods” | 2 July 2021

On 2 July 2021, Hochschule Osnabrück and Justus Liebig University Giessen co-hosted a virtual focus group workshop in the context of the transdisciplinary project SUSKULT to assess different stakeholder perceptions regarding the marketing, commercialisation and consumption potential of SUSKULT foods. Workshop report (in German) here:

[2021] Video Interview with Students for Future | 21 May 2021

Video interview with Students for Future in the context of the fourth Public Climate School (PCS) (17 - 21 May 2021 on the nexus of climate change and agriculture and policy approaches to reach the long-term goal of 1.5°C global warming. YouTube video (in German) here:
[2021] Interview with TIME Magazine | 27 April 2021

Interview for TIME Magazine Article "Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Have Come to the U.S. Will They Work?from Alejandro de la Garca, 9 May 2021
[2021] Online-Workshop "Digital Sustainability Teaching" | 25 - 26 March 2021
Program and workshop report (in German) here.
[2021] Three Positions on the 13th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference Final Communiqué 2021

Keuter, Vokmar/Schwindenhammer, Sandra/Steinmetz, Heidrun/Ulbrich, Andreas 2021: Drei Standpunkte zum Abschluss-Kommuniqué des Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2021 [Three Positions on the 13th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference Final Communiqué 2021] Oberhausen: SUSKULT, March 2021. Press Release Fraunhofer UMSICHT (03/24/2021) here (in German):
[2021] "Between Ambition and Reality: The Post-2020 CAP Reform” | ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar | 16 March 2021

The virtual seminar (15:00-16:30 CET) is organized by ECPR Food Policy and Governance Research Network with the speakers Prof. Dr. Alan Matthews und Prof. Dr. Emil Erjavec, further information:

[2021] Article published on Website of the Science Year 2020|2021 – Bioeconomy

Breitmeier, Helmut/Schwindenhammer, Sandra 2021: Umstrittene Nachhaltigkeit in internationalen Institutionen [Contested Sustainability in International Institutions] Online-Article  published on the Website of the German Science Year 2020|2021 – Bioeconomy, 22.01.2021 [in German].

[2020] #KulturDigital: Podcast "NEUSTART" | „SUSKULT. Hydroponik – Gemüse aus der Kläranlage“ (in German) (3 December 2020)



[2020] Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 | Panel Discussion | 18 November 2020, 16:00-19:00

Contribution to the Workshop “What is needed to foster the transformation in agriculture?” in the context of the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 (online event), 18 November 2020, 16:00–19:00, further information:

[2020] "COVID: Return to Exceptionalism?" - First Edition of the new “ECPR Virtual Food Governance Seminar”, 3 November 2020, 15:00-16:30 (MET)

The virtual seminar "COVID: Return to exceptionalism?" is organized by ECPR Food Policy and Governance Research Network and will be held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 15:00-16:30 (MET) with speakers from Canada (Prof. Dr. Grace Skogstad) and Germany (Prof. Dr. Peter Feindt), further information:

[2020] Stakeholder Dialogue at Bioeconomy Festival 2020 | FUTURIUM Berlin (12 September 2020)

Sandra Schwindenhammer discusses political and societal implications of technological innovations for future agri-food systems with local stakeholders in the context of the Bioeconomy Festival 2020 in Berlin, FUTURIUM, 12 September 2020 ("Auf geht’s in die Raumschiffökonomie: Roboter auf der Blumenwiese und Gemüse von der Kläranlage“), further information:

[2020] ECPR General Conference 2020 (24-28 August 2020) | Section and Panel Chair

At ECPR General Conference 2020 (virtual event) Sandra Schwindenhammer chairs section S45 "Nexus Governance and Policy Inter-Linkages in Food and Agricultural Governance" with Gerard Breemann and panel P246 "New Approaches to Inter-Institutional Agri-Food Policymaking: Assessing Policy Integration and Policy Design Through Innovative Research Methods" on 27 August 2020, see also academic programme:

[2020] Article published on Website of the Science Year 2020|2021 – Bioeconomy

[2020] Nomination for Makeathon for German Sustainability Award 2020

Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer, co-principal investigator for the project SUSKULT, is nominated for participation in the Makeathon for the 9th German Sustainability Award 2020. On 18 and 19 June 2020, several interdisciplinary teams of experts will accelerate innovative ideas on the urban bioeconomy in a digital Makeathon. Three outstanding ideas will be presented to the public in September 2020. The winner idea is selected in a public voting and will be awarded on the German Sustainability Day (3 and 4 December 2020).

Further Information:

Press release (in German):

German Sustainability Award 2020:

Project SUSKULT:

[2020] Poster Presentation | 3rd Faculty Research Day

On 22 January 2020, Denise Gonglach and Sandra Schwindenhammer give a poster presentation about SUSKULT Subproject F at the 3rd Faculty 03 Research Day at Justus Liebig University Giessen.

[2020] Open Conference "The Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Concept, Development and Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals“ organized by the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" of the German Political Science Association, Schader-Forum, Darmstadt,  5-6 May 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS (in German):

[2019] Workshop "Sustainablity and Politics in Academic Teaching", organized by the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" of the German Political Science Association and Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher, University Magdeburg, 14-15 November 2019

CALL (in German):

[2019] Kick-Off-Conference BMBF Collaborative Research Project SUSKULT, 10.5.2019, Oberhausen

Press release, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT, 14.5.2019 (in German):

[2019] Funding for Collaborative Research Project SUSKULT (Subproject F) by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (Duration: 2019-2022, Funding Amount: 623.380,80 €)

The project will be conducted at the Institute of Political Science, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, led by Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer.

[2019] ICPA-Forum and JCPA Workshop "Issue Politicization and Policy Change: Lesson Drawing from the Case of Agriculture-Food Policy Process", Heidelberg University, 7-9 March 2019

Klaus Dingwerth and I are co-organizing the panel "Whose Future Do We Want and How? Norm and Standard Development, Contestation, and Implementation in Global Sustainability Politics" at the Trilateral Conference 2019 of the DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, 14 - 16 Februar 2019, ETH Zurich. (Congress Program here)

[2018] Speaker of the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" of the German Political Science Association (GPSA)
At the 27th Congress „Frontiers of Democracy“ of the German Political Science Association in Frankfurt, 25 - 28 September 2018, Sandra Schwindenhammer has been elected as new Speaker of the Working Group "Environmental Politics and Global Change" togehter with Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Jens Marquardt and Sabine Weiland. 

[2018] Panel “Normative Divides in Post-Exceptionalist Agri-Food Governance“ | ECPR General Conference 2018
Peter Feindt and I are co-organizing the panel "Normative Divides in Post-Exceptionalist Agri-Food Governance (P 295)" at ECPR General Conference 2018, Hamburg, 22 - 25 August 2018.

[2018] Panel "Food Democracy" | 27th Congress of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) 
Peter Feindt, Jale Tosun and I are co-organizing the panel „Food Democracy. Die Repolitisierung eines Politikfelds“ at the 27th Congress „Frontiers of Democracy“ of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), 25 - 28 September 2018, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (Congress Program here).

[2017] Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize 2017 for Outstanding Performance in Academic Teaching | Price Money: 1.000

On 24 November 2017 I was awarded with the Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize for outstanding performance in academic teaching at the official Academic Ceremony of Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. The Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize is sponsored by the Erwin-Stein-Foundation.

I am grateful to the president of Justus-Liebig-University, the members of the advisory board, the Erwin-Stein-Foundation, and my students for this very special recognition of my academic teaching.

[2017] Funding for Research Project by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (Duration: Spring 2017-2020, Funding Amount: 632.626,80 €)
The research project “The Transformation Potential of Inter-institutional Arrangements and the Norm of Sustainability in the Global Regime Complex for Food” (TANNRE) analyses the normative foundations of the global regime complex for food. It focusses on the conditions and regulatory mechanisms for solving fundamental norm conflicts between the norms of food security, food sovereignty, and especially sustainability. The project will be conducted at the Institute of Political Science, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, led by Prof. Dr. Helmut Breitmeier and Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer together with three Research Assistants.

[2017] Public Lecture at the Institute of Political Science, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Sandra Schwindenhammer talks about "How to Feed the World? World Food Politics Between Food Security and Sustainability", 11/01/2017, 12 pm, Philosophicum II, Room B 30

[2016] Public Lecture at the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge
Sandra Schwindenhammer talks about "Why Germany Chooses Organic Agriculture?", 01/12/2016, 6 pm, room SG1, Alison Richard Building, Cambridge

[2016] Discussion about the Future of the European Union, Centre for British Studies, Humboldt-University of Berlin
Sandra Schwindenhammer comments on Dr. Neil McGarvey "Scotland, the UK and the EU Ever Looser Unions?", Government and Public Policy, University of Strathclyde,  06/29/2016, 6 pm, Mohrenstraße 60, Berlin, Poster

[2016] Public Lecture at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Sandra Schwindenhammer talks about "Sustainability in Global Agriculture Governance – Contrasting Organic Agriculture and GMO", 05/12/2016, 4 pm, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Main Building, Room 10/72, Unter den Linden 6, Berlin

[2016] Online-Newspaper Article about Individualization and the Privatization of Security, The Huffington Post Germany, 03/22/2016, „Wir finden uns im permanenten Zustand der Selbstverteidigung

[2016] Poster Exhibition of the Project Seminar "Foreign Policy Analysis I+II", Humboldt-University of Berlin, 02/08/2016

[2015] Public Lecture at the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge Sandra Schwindenhammer talks about "Global Organic Agriculture Governance", 10/26/2015, 6 pm, room SG1, Alison Richard Building, Cambridge

[2015] Public Lecture at the Bergischen Universität Wuppertal
Sandra Schindenhammer talks about "Transnational Corporations - From Problem Causers to Problem Solvers?", 06/17/2017, 4 pm, Wuppertal

[2015] Interview with on World Politics and Sustainable Consumption (in German), Berlin, 05/28/2015, "Phänomen Lohas: Hipster der Nachhaltigkeit",

[2014] Poster Exhibition about Case Studies in Global Environmental Politics, Initiative in the Context of the Germany Sustainability Action Days 2014

Homepage German Sustainability Action Days 2014

[2013] Newspaper Interview (in German) on World Food Politics, FernUni Perspektive, No. 43, Spring 2013, p. 8, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, Article here 

[2012] Radio Interview (in German) with Deutschlandradio Wissen (DRadio Wissen) on the Limits to Growth Revisited, 12/03/2012, Cologne, (Podcast here)

[2012] Research Grant by the Volkswagen Foundation for the Winter School "Limits to Growth Revisited", Visselhövede and Hanover, 11/24/2012-12/01/2012

[2012] Lecture (in German) on Online Teaching Tools and Methods at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, 10/26/2012, mp3 here

[2012] Radio Interview (in German) with 107.7 Radio Hagen on World Food Politics and Fair Trade, Hagen, 04/20/2012



Areas of Expertise

Sustainability Transformation

(Urban) Agricultural Systems of the Future

Theories and Conflicts of Global Norms and Regimes (Sustainable Development Goals)

Governance in International Organizations

Agency and Political Authority of Private Organizations

Governance through Standards

Global Sustainability, Food and Agricultural Governance


Research Gate

Collaborative Research Project SUSKULT

Title: SUSKULT - Development of a Sustainable Cultivation System for Food in Resilient Metropolitan Regions (Project F)

Funding Institution:
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding Amount:
1.014.601,20 €
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer

SUSKULT is one of eight collaborative research projects funded in the context of the BMBF research strategy “Agricultural Systems of the Future”:

Research Project TANNRE (completed 01/2021)

Title: TANNRE - The Transformation Potential of Inter-Institutional Arrangements and the Norm of Sustainability in the Global Food Regime Complex
Funding Institution: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding Amount: 632.626,80 €
Duration: 2017-2021
Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Helmut Breitmeier/ Dr. Sandra Schwindenhammer

Research Grants and Prizes

Research Funding for Collaborative Research Projekt SUSKULT, Funding Institution: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Funding Amount: 1.014.601,20 €

Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize 2017 for Outstanding Performance in Academic Teaching, Sponsor: Erwin-Stein-Foundation, Price Money: 1.000,00 €

Funding for Conference Participation by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), ECPR General Conference 2017, Oslo, Norway, 09/06/2017 – 09/09/2017, Funding Amount: 958,00 €

Reseach Funding for TANNRE Project,
Funding Institution: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), together with Prof. Dr. Helmut Breitmeier, Funding Amount: 632.626,80 €

Funding for Conference Participation by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), ECPR General Conference 2015, Montreal, Canada, 08/26/2015 – 08/29/2015, Funding Amount: 2.223,00 €

Research Grant by the Volkswagen Foundation for the Winter School “Limits to Growth Revisited”, 24th November - 1st December 2012, Visselhövede/Hanover

Research Grant by the Post-Doctoral Gender Funding Program of the FernUniversität in Hagen for Post-Doctoral Research Project



Justus Liebig University Giessen

Winter Term 2019/2020

Lecture „Welternährungspolitik als Forschungsfeld in den Internationalen Beziehungen (IB)“ [Global Food Politics as a Research Field in International Relations (IR)], BA Social Sciences (12/10/2019)

Lecture „Welternährungspolitik im Spannungsfeld von globaler Normkontestation und lokaler Normverwirklichung“ [Food Politics between Global Norm Contestation and Local Implementation], Lecture Series of the Institute of Political Science (11/20/2019)

Winter Term 2018/2019

Seminar Transnationales privates Regieren“ [Transnational Private Governance], BA Social Sciences

Proseminar Einführung in die politische Bildung und ausgewählte politische Themenfelder“ [Introduction to Political Education and Selected Issue Areas], Teaching Degree Program "Grundwissenschaften"

Summer Term 2018

Proseminar "Die Verwirklichung globaler Normen – Nachhaltigkeit an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen" [Global Norm Implementation - The Norm of Sustainability at Justus Liebig University Giessen], Teaching Degree Program "Politics and Economics"

Proseminar "Regieren in internationalen Organisationen – Relikt der Vergangenheit oder Hoffnungsträger für die Zukunft" [Global Governance through International Organizations - Past or Future of International Relations?], Teaching Degree Program "Grundwissenschaften"

Winter Term 2017/2018

Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize 2017 for Outstanding Performance in Academic Teaching
(Price Money: 1.000

On 24 November 2017 Sandra Schwindenhammer was awarded with the Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize for outstanding performance in academic teaching at the official Academic Ceremony of Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. The Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Prize is sponsored by the Erwin-Stein-Foundation.

I am grateful to the president of Justus-Liebig-University, the members of the advisory board, the Erwin-Stein-Foundation, and my students for this very special recognition of my academic teaching.

Seminar „Global Risk Governance", BA Social Sciences

Proseminar „Unternehmen in der Weltpolitik" [The Role of Business in Global Politics], BA Social Sciences

Summer Term 2017

Seminar „Comparative Regionalism: Theoretical Approaches, Regional Normative Orders, and Regional Governance Schemes", MA Democracy and Governance, in English

Proseminar „Die globale Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Normen, Institutionen und Governance-Ansätze" [The Global Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: Norms, Institutions, and Governance Approaches], Teaching Degree Program "Politics and Economics"

Winter Term 2016/2017

Seminar „BRICS - And What about the ‘Rest’?", Teaching Degree Program "Politics and Economics"

Seminar „Einführung in die politische Bildung: Grundlagen des Regierens in der Europäischen Union: An Ever Looser Union?“ [Introduction to Political Education: Governance in the European Union - An Ever Looser Union?], Teaching Degree Program "Grundwissenschaften"

Winter Term 2014/2015

Seminar "Einführung in die politische Bildung: Weltpolitische Konflikte" [Introduction to Political Education: Conflicts in World Politics], Teaching Degree Program "Grundwissenschaften"

Seminar "Welternährungspolitik im Spannungsfeld von Food Security und Food Sovereignty" [World Food Politics Between Food Security und Food Sovereignty], BA Social Sciences

Summer Term 2014               

Seminar „Globale Umweltpolitik“ [Global Environmental Politics], Teaching Degree Program "Politics and Economics"

Seminar „Forschungsdesign in der Analyse der Internationalen Beziehungen“ [Research Design in the Analysis of International Relations Research], BA Social Sciences


Humboldt-University of Berlin

Summer Term 2016

Seminar "Internationale Handelspolitik - Zwischen Welthandelsorganisation und zwischenstaatlichen Freihandelsabkommen" [International Trade Policy - Torn Between WTO and Multinational Trade Agreements], MA Social Sciences and MA International Relations

Lecture Seminar "World Regionalism - Internationale Ordnung und regionale Organisationen" [World Regionalism - International Order and Regional Organizations], MA Social Sciences and MA International Relations

Intensive Seminar "Varianten des Kapitalismus im internationalen Vergleich - Der Varieties-of-Capitalism Ansatz" [Varieties of Capitalism from a Cross-National Perspective], BA Social Sciences

BA-, MA-Colloquium "Internationale Politik" [International Politics]

Winter Term 2015/2016

Lectures on selected IR Theories:

- Neorealism
- Neoinstitutionalism
- Liberalism
- Constructivism

in the context of the Lecture Series "Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft und Internationale Beziehungen“ [Comparative Politics and International Relations], BA Social Sciences

Project Seminar "Außenpolitikanalyse II" [Foreign Policy Analysis II], MA Social Sciences

Seminar "Internationale Organisationen", [International Organizations], MA Social Sciences

Seminar "Verwirklichung globaler Normen – Nachhaltigkeit an der Humboldt-Universität" [Global Norm Implementation - The Norm of Sustainability at the Humboldt-University of Berlin], BA Social Sciences

BA-, MA-Colloquium "Internationale Politik" [International Politics]

Summer Term 2015

Project Seminar "Außenpolitikanalyse I" [Foreign Policy Analysis I], MA Social Sciences

Seminar "Transnationales Privates Regieren" [Transnational Private Governance], BA Social Sciences

Seminar "EU-Agrarpolitik", [The European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)] BA Social Sciences

BA-, MA-Colloquium "Internationale Politik" [International Politics]

FernUniversität in Hagen

Summer Term 2012

Seminar „Welternährungspolitik“ [Global Food Politics], MA Governance

Winter Term 2009/2010

Seminar „Einführung in die Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft“ [Introduction to Political Science and Public Administration], BA Political Science and Public Administration

Winter Term 2008 - Winter Term 2013/2014

Supervisor of Modul B1 of the BA „Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft“ [Political Science and Public Administration], FernUniversität in Hagen


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Summer Term 2008

Seminar „Grundlagen der Internationalen Beziehungen“, [Introduction to International Relations], BA Political Science

Winter Term 2007/2008

Seminar „Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft“ [Introduction to Political Science], BA Political Science