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Web Forms Made Easy

You can simply convert PDF or Microsoft Office forms that used to be printed out and signed by hand into web forms using onboard resources from our content management system (CMS). The Digital Transformation Office will guide and support any institutions wishing to do so with the following steps:


1. Analyze and optimize the process. 🔍

First check whether there is any room for improvement in the current process:

  • Which fields are still necessary? Which can be removed? Which new fields are needed? Which are mandatory?
  • Is there an approval workflow? Do supervisors need to give consent? Can any loopholes be closed?
  • Will the data entries be sent via e-mail or saved in a spreadsheet? To which address will the entries be sent?
  • How will the data be checked for accuracy?
  • Can subsequent processing of form data be automated?

Link the target process back to users to keep their perspective in focus. (Justus Secretaries' network, faculty management work group, etc.)


2. Implement the web form. 🧰

Create a URL folder for the forms. You can find instructions in the CMS manual. If you have not attended a CMS course, you should definitely do so.


3. Document it. 📂

Document the entire process briefly and clearly in a specialized concept.

With each form, data is collected, processed, and stored. Therefore, a processing directory must also be completed and submitted to the data protection officials. They can provide you a template in which you will only have to fill out the text marked in red (using standard software).


4. Communicate. 📣

Link the new web form back to its stakeholders and publicize it throughout the university. To do this, use CMS news articles, circular e-mails, presidential newsletters, the faculty management work group, the Justus Secretaries' network, IKM-AG, the departmental meeting, and/or hold informational/training events.


If you have any questions on this topic, feel free to contact us: BfD