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Chemistry ( M.Sc.)


Double Degree

This degree programme offers the possibility to obtain a double degree with our partner universities Padua University (Italy) and Kansai University (Japan).



The Master's programme leads to the professionally qualifying degree Master of Science (M.Sc.), which is more scientifically oriented than the Bachelor's degree. The M.Sc. degree thus fulfils the necessary requirements for working in the R&D sector (R&D = research and development), in the industry or for a subsequent doctorate.

The courses of the programme reflect the research foci in the Department of Chemistry at JLU Giessen. This includes modern topics from the fields of materials chemistry, nanochemistry, surface chemistry/catalysis, bioinorganics, bio- and environmental analytics, computational chemistry, applied electrochemistry as well as special inorganic and organic synthesis chemistry. Graduates will thus be able to work in a number of very different professional fields. In addition to the traditional chemical and pharmaceutical industries, this  includes the electrical industry as well as numerous medium-sized companies, e.g. from the environmental sector or material refinement. The Master's programme is designed to impart competencies with a unique combination in Hesse.

The scientific competence and excellence of chemistry at JLU Giessen is also reflected in the acquirement of third-party funding programmes and the quality and number of publications of the research groups. This creates solid conditions for leading outstanding Master's graduates to doctoral degrees in a modern field of research in chemistry.


Modules are conducted in German and/or English.

Duration of studies 4 Semester 120 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

4 Semesters - 120 Credit Points (CP)

Commencement of Studies in the Winter and Summer Semester

Commencement of studies

Summer semester and winter semester

Composition of the study programme

Composition of the study programme

Duration of studies

  • 4 semesters - 120 credit points (CP)

Composition of the study programme

The study programme is research-oriented and can be started in the winter and summer semester. The ability to develop solutions to problems by means of innovative ideas, which was already practised in the Bachelor's programme, is further deepened through independent work on smaller research projects, especially within the framework of the Master's thesis. The modules of the degree programme are conducted in German and/or English.
The basic studies in the first year of study include the compulsory and elective modules from chemistry. The second year of study is reserved for a deeper specialisation. The study programme - including the "Master's thesis" - consists of the following 14 modules (please click here to check the full study plan). 

Modules in the first year of study - Basic studies

  • Theoretical Chemistry
  • Molecular Analytics
  • Physical Chemistry 4: Structure and Characterisation of Matter
  • Solid State, Materials and Molecular Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry 4: Reaction Design
  • Analysis of solids
  • 4 Compulsory elective module - from chemistry or other subjects (see below)

Modules in the second year of study - Research studies  

  • 2 Advanced module
  • Research module
  • Master's thesis (30CP)

Examples for compulsory elective modules (First/second semester)

  • Electrochemistry - from fundamentals to application
  • Physical Chemistry and Materials Research: Interfacial Chemistry
  • Technology and methodology of mass spectrometry
  • Applied molecular analytics
  • Thermoelectric materials
  • Organic Materials
  • Matrix Isolation Technique /Reactive Intermediates
  • Modern Methods in Organic Synthesis
    and others more

Specialisation modules

As part of the Master's programme, you can specialise - by choosing appropriate modules - in one of the following areas (i.e. obtain a Master's degree in Chemistry with specialisation in....). These areas are:
  •     Physical Organic Chemistry
  •     Chemistry of interfaces
  •     Materials chemistry
  •     Mass spectrometry in environmental and life sciences

Information on the course of study and the modules

A description of the modules can be found in the special regulations for the degree programme (appendices "Course of Study Plans" and "Module Descriptions").

Special Regulations

Courses of study

Information on courses can be found in the JLU course catalogue:

Electronic Course Catalogue (in German)


Commencement of Studies in the Winter and Summer Semester

Commencement of studies

Summer semester and winter semester

Application: Admission requirements

Admission requirements

Admission to this Master's programme is possible with a degree in Bachelor of Science Chemistry from a German university. Degrees from abroad fulfil the requirements, provided they comply with the "Empfehlungen der GDCh-Studienkommission zum Bachelorstudium Chemie an Universitäten". This is checked by the examination board as part of the application and admission procedure.
In addition, the examination board may recognise other courses of study as equivalent after a case-by-case examination. 
  • The admission may include additional coursework of up to 30 CPs, which must be completed within the first two semesters. These do not belong to the scope of the Master's degree programme.
  • Admission may be dependent on passing an entry examination. Here, the skills and knowledge required for the Master's programme are tested based on the "Empfehlungen der GDCh-Studienkommission zum Bachelorstudium Chemie an Universitäten". The examination board sets the entry examination. It may consist of a written paper and/or oral examination. Applicants are invited to the examination with a notice period of two weeks. The examination should take place within six weeks after the application deadline.

Proof of English Proficiency

Upon enrollment, English language skills at level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) are required. This must be proven by:

1. the Abitur certificate,
2. upper secondary school certificates or proof of at least four years of schooling in English,
3. proof of successfully completed language courses, whereby at least 120 hours of lessons must be proven,
4. expert reports or lecturer examinations on language skills acquired through stays abroad, university language courses or self-study,
5. proof of a UNIcert level I certificate,
6. proof of a TOEFL test (computer-based score of at least 43, written test with at least 550 points) or
7. another certificate recognized as equivalent by the board of examination.

In cases of doubt, the board of examination will decide whether the admission requirements have been met. 



  • The intake capacity is not limited.
  • The enrolment period for the winter semester begins at the beginning of June and for the summer semester at the beginning of December.
  • The end of the enrolment period is determined each year, please check the application portal during the enrolment period.

In some cases different rules apply for international applicants. More...

Career Options

Career Options

Career Options


Professional fields

The job opportunities for chemists are manifold. Chemical expertise is in demand in all areas of society, and the chemical industry is a mainstay of the German economy.
Many chemists, about 35 % of graduates, find their way directly into the chemical industry after graduating. Here they work in research and development ("R&D") or in production, improving products and processes or developing entirely new products and processes. Close cooperation with engineers and measurement and control technicians is required in process engineering; here, new processes are implemented from laboratory to operational scale.

A very promising field of application is chemical analysis. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances is important for production, environmental protection, quality management and for law enforcement officers.

Many other areas such as environmental protection, marketing, patenting, documentation, public relations and communication are open to chemists in the industry.


Doctoral Studies

As one of the first chemistry departments in Germany,  JLU Giessen offers a ''fast track'' access to doctoral studies with the so-called PreProChem programme. This enables excellent students to start their doctorate directly after completing their bachelor's degree and thus enter scientific work directly.

After successfully completing a Master's degree, doctoral studies are also possible.

International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences:


Double Degree

This degree programme offers the possibility to obtain a double degree with our partner universities Padua University (Italy) and Kansai University (Japan).

Stays abroad during the degree programme (outgoings)

Information for outgoing students

Information and consultation


Stays abroad in Giessen for international students (incomings)

Information for incoming students

Information and consultation


More Information

More Information: Documents

PDF documents on the study programme

We would also be pleased to send you printed copies, please use our contact form.



Dr. Bernd Commerscheidt
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, Room B162
35392 Giessen
Tel.: 0641 - 99 34162

Consultation hours: by arrangement


Central Study Advisory Office

Central Student Services

Directions and welcome desk